A dental emergency is an oral health problem that necessitates immediate care from your dentist. In certain circumstances, the severity of the emergency is clear, such as a knocked-out or severely broken tooth. In some cases, you may be experiencing discomfort or bleeding but are unclear of the underlying cause. As with any medical emergency, it is critical to seek professional guidance and treatment as soon as possible. Ignoring bleeding, acute pain, or a loosened or fractured tooth can lead to issues that necessitate more extensive and costly treatment in the future.
The majority of dental crises are caused by oral problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, TMJ difficulties, and large and older fillings. However, a variety of everyday scenarios can result in a dental emergency.
The following is a list of frequent dental emergencies and what you should do in each case.
If your tooth is broken, you should do the following:
If you have serious bites or cuts on your lip or tongue, you should:
If you have a knocked-out tooth, you should do the following:
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